I first met John Veale in the summer
of 1989 after I had had the very good fortune to meet
his daughter, Sarah, whom I subsequently married. John
and I got on very well especially as we had shared experiences
in attending the same university, an interest in astronomy,
a similar political and philosophical outlook and admiration
for particular composers – especially Beethoven
and Shostakovich. However our relationship was cemented
when I was presented with an enormous cup of tea. This
not only contained John’s own brew but for some
reason a large number of the leaves as well. Not wanting
to strike a discordant note I stoically drank it all
avoiding as many of the leaves as possible.
1989 was in the middle of John’s
renaissance as a composer although it was only after
his death that his correspondence revealed the full
extent of the underlying battles that he had with the
musical establishments – both local and national
– to get his music performed. Had the BBC shown
more interest after its broadcast of his violin concerto
in 1986 his major works, I am certain, would be part
of the standard repertoire.
This is just a brief biography and
can only hint at the underlying tragic theme that runs
through his life – from his relationship with
his parents, his early promise as a composer, the marginalisation
of his music, the sterile years and to the later blossoming
that was still not fully recognised. However, John was
a man driven by music who kept true to what he felt
was the essence of music and maintained his integrity
to the end.
This is not an academic study so
the quotations used have not been sourced. However all
quotations are from his letters, articles written by
or about him and from radio interviews.