I knew John very well while we both worked for OUP. We enjoyed many a joyful lunchtime discussion about life, music and especially the way in which his music had been quashed by the modernists at the BBC. He played me tapes of Kublai Khan and the Clarinet concerto. I persuaded him at the time to pursue Chandos to get some of his music recorded and I am delighted that, at last, his work is getting more recognition. Not enough, for sure, but more is good. from John Manger john.manger@gmail.com
HOT NEWS!! John Veale's 2nd Symphony is now commercially available from www.duttonvocalion.co.uk; ref CDLX 7332 from Sarah Veale info@roy-collins.co.uk
Julia, thank you. Are/were you Julia Rosenthal? If so I remember you too. (If not thank you anyway!) Sarah Veale - John's daughter. from Sarah Veale info@roy-collins.co.uk
My parents knew John Veale and I remember his daughter Sarah from school. John gave my father a privately produced record of the Clarinet Concerto and Kubla Khan. My father wrote out Coleridge's poem on the record sleeve. I loved both pieces as did my brother. That record now lives with him in South West France. from julia
Veale's music is amiong some of the most hauntingly beautiful I have ever heard. How can one gain access to his MSS in order to study some of this marvellous material, please? from Gareth Vaughan gareth41@talktalk,net
I heard the Concerto. What a great piece, one in the grand tradition!
The first movement alone would make a complete work, so full of ideas and
brilliance from that first violin entrance soaring upwards through to the sparkling
end. Why haven't I heard of this fascinating composer before? from Peter French peterrfrench@btinternet.com
Having heard John Veale's Violin Concerto on the Chandos CD I am amazed that it is not played on Radio3, Classic FM or in concerts. The slow movement is as passionate and beautiful as any that I have heard.
from Roy Collins